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Cv International


Boeing’s requirement was to provide maintenance platforms for access to the horizontal tail, underwings and engines. Platform design combined light steel and aluminum to support quick platform set-up and mobility. Deck surface was an aluminum dimple design with articulating stairways for both wing and tail access. Stand is used is also used as a wash rack, so waterproof fittings and connections were incorporated throughout. Wing stands included unique engine stand access that are removal during engine replacement, but full fall protection is maintained. Utilities installed included compressed air and electrical outlets.

OSHA COMPLIANT: CvI Maintenance Stands are constructed from light weight, high-strength structural grade 6061 aluminum or painted steel frames. All surface decks are self-draining, anti-slip and anti-bound 5052 aluminum safety treads which are OSHA compliant, omni directional and self-correcting. All welded designs are in accordance with AWS D1.1 & D1.2. Each design features load ratings. Drawings and designs are approved by in-house Certified Professional Engineers (PE).


The Boeing E-4 Advanced Airborne Command Post, the current "Nightwatch" aircraft, is a strategic command and control military aircraft operated by the United States Air Force. The E-4 series are specially modified from the Boeing 747-200B for the National Emergency Airborne Command Post program.

photo of US Miltary E4 aircraft in flight
photo of USAF E4 aircraft undergoing maintenance with CVI maintenance stands positioned under the wings.


Cvi's Full Phase maintenance platforms are designed to cover all areas of maintenance on fixed and rotor wing aircraft without stand replacemant. This reduces maintenance time by over 40% and technician fatigue by 97%.

render of CVI's 747 maintenance stands under a military E4 aircraft shown from right side