Cv International
The Boeing C-17 Globemaster ISO Level Maintenance Platform was designed to support NATO Forces around the world. The CvI platforms allow technician’s continuous access to wing and engine maintenance points in addition to nose and fuselage coverage. The C-17 Maintenance Platform was constructed of painted steel, with aluminum decking (dimple deck design) and articling stairways. The platforms were designed to follow the angle of the wings allowing 100% access for all technicians. Stands include a full utility package to include; compressed air, lights and power outlets.
OSHA COMPLIANT: CvI Maintenance Stands are constructed from light weight, high-strength structural grade 6061 aluminum or painted steel frames. All surface decks are self-draining, anti-slip and anti-bound 5052 aluminum safety treads which are OSHA compliant, omni directional and self-correcting. All welded designs are in accordance with AWS D1.1 & D1.2. Each design features load ratings. Drawings and designs are approved by in-house Certified Professional Engineers (PE).
The C-17 commonly performs tactical and strategic airlift missions, transporting troops and cargo throughout the world

Cvi's ISO Maintenance platforms are designed to cover all areas of maintenance on fixed and rotor wing aircraft without stand replacemant. This reduces maintenance time by over 40% and technician fatigue by 97%.